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2021 digital Song Title: Gold Medal
Iain Galloway, LPSNZ
Shelter from the Storm

2021 digital Song Title: Silver Medal
Karl Tretheway
The Power

2021 digital Song Title: Bronze Medal
Nick Hampson
Sad Eyes

2021 digital Song Title: Honours
Lakmal Athapatthu , Lakmal Athapatthu,N/A
Mama's Hand

Jan Bellamy, LPSNZ
Dolphin Blue

Newell Grenfell, HonPSNZ, FPSNZ, FNPSNZ
My Way

Glenn Keelty
Fire & Ice - Pat Benetar

Deborah Martin, LPSNZ
Another One Bites the Dust

Karen Triggs
He's Got the Whole World in His Hands

2021 digital Song Title: Highly Commended
Roger Ball
Lean on Me

Noelle Bennett, APSNZ

Moira Fergus
Isn't She Lovely?

Jill Jackson, APSNZ
Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White

Peter Morris, APSNZ, AFIAP
Daydream Believer

Richard Roos
Don't Stop Me Now

Heather Saint
The Price of a Mile. Sabaton

Kathy Servian
Tiny Dancer

Phil Thornton
Another One Bites the Dust

Ilan Wittenberg, FNZIPP, FPSNZ
One Click

2021 digital Song Title: Acceptance
Jan Bellamy, LPSNZ
It's Snowing Outside

Charles Brooks
The Devil Went Down to Georgia

Charles Brooks
1812 Overture

Allysa Carberry, LPSNZ
Ace of Spades by Motorhead

Allysa Carberry, LPSNZ
At the Graves, by King Diamond

Allysa Carberry, LPSNZ
Do You Want to Know a Secret, by the Beetles

Allysa Carberry, LPSNZ
The Card Cheat, by the Clash

Joan Caulfield, LPSNZ
"Beneath Thy Guiding Hand"

Janice Chen, APSNZ

Grace Choi
Golden Brown

Bas Cuthbert, LPSNZ
Just the Two of Us

Alison Denyer, LPSNZ
Twilight Zone

Paul Donegan
I Want It All (Queen)

Gaile Douglas, LPSNZ
The Bee Song - by Arthur Askey

Constance Fein Harding
Just the Two of Us

Constance Fein Harding
I Rode My Bicycle Past Your Window Last Night

Lorraine Gibb, APSNZ
Fields of Gold

Lorraine Gibb, APSNZ
Lost in the Fog

Newell Grenfell, HonPSNZ, FPSNZ, FNPSNZ
Piano Man

Susie Hare, LPSNZ
Day of the Sunflowers (We March On)

Margaret Irving, APSNZ
Please Mr Postman, the Beatles

Adrian Jefferson-Brown
The Reader

Margaret Jones
All Shook Up

Deborah Martin, LPSNZ

Deborah Martin, LPSNZ
Here's Looking at You

Deborah Martin, LPSNZ
True Colours

Leonie Moreland
Eyes Are the Soul

Leonie Moreland

Peter Morris, APSNZ, AFIAP
Lets Dance

Lia Priemus
I Want to Break Free

Marilyn Rendle
Somewhere Over a Rainbow

Marilyn Rendle
You Are So Beautiful

Let's Go Girls

Robin Short, APSNZ
Somewhere on a Beach

Robin Short, APSNZ
Waiting to Be Discovered

Leanne Silver, LPSNZ
Free Fallin'

Pauline Smith, APSNZ
Ring of Fire

Anne Tate, APSNZ
Hitchcock Railway

Anne Tate, APSNZ
February Stars

Anne Thornton
Rainbows and Waterfalls

Phil Thornton
Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head

Karl Tretheway
Wind in My Hair

Kirsty Wilson
Steal the Sun

Kirsty Wilson
Let It Roll

Ilan Wittenberg, FNZIPP, FPSNZ
Let It Be

Shelley Wood, LPSNZ
Bird on a Wire

lynn clayton, Hon.PSNZ,APSNZ, EFIAP, ESFIAP
Blowing in the Wind