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2019 print Open Monochrome: Gold Medal
Daniel Wong, APSNZ, EFIAP

2019 print Open Monochrome: Silver Medal
Daniel Wong, APSNZ, EFIAP

2019 print Open Monochrome: Bronze Medal
Ilan Wittenberg, FNZIPP, FPSNZ
The Hunter

2019 print Open Monochrome: Honours
Lynn Fothergill, LPSNZ
Tilly in Winter

Liz Hardley, FPSNZ, LRPS, EFIAP/b
Wired for Sound

Anne Thornton

2019 print Open Monochrome: Highly Commended
Michael Boyd-Clark, APSNZ
You Are in My Space

Deborah Martin, LPSNZ

Bev Winstone

2019 print Open Monochrome: Acceptance
Janice Chen, APSNZ
Mysterious Woods

Hugh Davies, LPSNZ

Mandy Hague
The Crab Catcher

Glenn Keelty
Film Noir

Glenn Keelty
Hint of a Feather

Jeanette Nee, APSNZ
My City

Ilan Wittenberg, FNZIPP, FPSNZ
Albert Einstein Impersonation

Fred Wotton, APSNZ