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2015 digital Street Photography: Gold Medal
Diane Costello, LPSNZ
The Daily Stuff!

2015 digital Street Photography: Silver Medal
Jay Drew, APSNZ
Different Paces

2015 digital Street Photography: Bronze Medal
Lynn Hedges, LPSNZ

2015 digital Street Photography: Honours
Karin Charteris, AFIAP: APSNZ
Working Late

Pauline Smith, APSNZ
The Leg-Sunbathing on Queens Wharf

Ilan Wittenberg, FNZIPP, FPSNZ
Gas Bottles

2015 digital Street Photography: Highly Commended
Karin Charteris, AFIAP: APSNZ
The Pleasure of the Game

Jay Drew, APSNZ
The Morning Ritual

Linda Jarrett
Morning Commute

Edwin Leung, LPSNZ
Walking Home, Alone.

There Goes My Mother in-Law

Ilan Wittenberg, FNZIPP, FPSNZ
Mono Rhinoceros

2015 digital Street Photography: Acceptance
Trish Bailey

Bruce Burgess, FPSNZ

Jill Cliffe, APSNZ
Catching Z's

Joshua Donnelly, LPSNZ
Girl in the Orange Dress

Constance Fein Harding
The Pink Umbrella

Miriam Godfrey, LPSNZ
Wow. How Did You Do That?

Miriam Godfrey, LPSNZ
On His Way.

Peter Graney
Taking a Nap

Carole Grant, LPSNZ
Hangin Out

Dianna Hambleton, APSNZ
Latte 59

Susie Hare, LPSNZ
Bored and Tired
Bill Hodges, APSNZ, EFIAP
The Student

Broke & Homeless

Linda Jarrett
Today's Youth

Lorraine Jones, APSNZ EFIAP/s GMAPS
Man From Byron Bay

Edwin Leung, LPSNZ
Time to Go

Edwin Leung, LPSNZ
Texting on a Bus Stop

Jo McCarthy
Castro Country

Doug Moulin, EFIAP/b, FAPS, APSNZ,
Different Faces - Different Races

Christine Ody
Adelaide Architecture

Martin Sanders, LPSNZ
Don't text and ride

Bob Scott, LPSNZ
Multicultural Blois

Bob Scott, LPSNZ
Horse Power

Robin Short, APSNZ
Fully Laden

Dave Simpson, LRPS LPSNZ
Apres Shop

Phil Thornton
Walk to the Wedding

Roger Wandless, GMNZIPP
Urban Andes

Ilan Wittenberg, FNZIPP, FPSNZ
Man With Cash

Ilan Wittenberg, FNZIPP, FPSNZ
Authentic Bagels

Shelley Wood, LPSNZ
Crossing the Line