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2018 digital Street Photography: Gold Medal
Allysa Carberry, LPSNZ
The Ride

2018 digital Street Photography: Silver Medal
Howard Jack
A Slow Snow Day

2018 digital Street Photography: Bronze Medal
Susie Hare, LPSNZ
After the Night Before

2018 digital Street Photography: Honours
Mark Berger, APSNZ

Jay Drew, APSNZ
Couple in Waiting

Lynn Fothergill, LPSNZ
Street Shave

Lorraine Gibb, APSNZ
Casting Shadows

Mary Livingston, LPSNZ
Wet Day on the Waterfront

Wayne Rickard

Jennifer Simone, LPSNZ
Been a Huntin, Fishin, Shootin

Ilan Wittenberg, FNZIPP, FPSNZ
In a Rush

2018 digital Street Photography: Highly Commended
Mark Burgess, LPSNZ
Scary Laneway

Allysa Carberry, LPSNZ
The Welcome

Neil Gordon, APSNZ
Pub Scene

Newell Grenfell, HonPSNZ, FPSNZ, FNPSNZ
Wash Down

Liz Hardley, FPSNZ, LRPS, EFIAP/b
Brush Vendor

Howard Jack
Chilly Sweeps

John Lyon
Relaxed Chats

Nola Sumner, AAPS; LPSNZ
Social Outcasts

Ilan Wittenberg, FNZIPP, FPSNZ
Copper Man

John Woods
Morris Dancers

2018 digital Street Photography: Acceptance
Robert Beckett, LPSNZ

Michael Boyd-Clark, APSNZ
Washday in Kasane

Bruce Burgess, FPSNZ
Utensil Vendor

Sarah Caldwell, APSNZ
Sidewalk Perspective

Sarah Caldwell, APSNZ
The Golden Towers

Allysa Carberry, LPSNZ

Allysa Carberry, LPSNZ
Just Chilling Out

Janice Chen, APSNZ
Going to School

Ron Crosby, Ron Crosby LPSNZ
One More Fare

Ron Crosby, Ron Crosby LPSNZ
Counting the Sales

Hugh Davies, LPSNZ
Time for a Break

Hugh Davies, LPSNZ
Colourful Music

Jay Drew, APSNZ
Holy Water

Jay Drew, APSNZ
Urban Reflection

Constance Fein Harding
Relaxing After Prayers

Constance Fein Harding
A Wintery Walk in London

Lynn Fothergill, LPSNZ
Card Game on Slum Street

Lynn Fothergill, LPSNZ
Street Dog

Lynn Fothergill, LPSNZ
Young Girl With Goats

Carmen Gordon
Ethiopia Wedding Party

Neil Gordon, APSNZ
Hanoi Traffic

Liz Hardley, FPSNZ, LRPS, EFIAP/b
Speaking Words of Wisdom

Susie Hare, LPSNZ
Just Walk Away

Roger Hayman
The Old Lady of the Street Reflects

Waverley Klein Ovink
Lawrence Makoare, Carver

Mary Livingston, LPSNZ
Lyall Bay

Heather Mickelson

Karen Moffatt-McLeod, APSNZ
Harley Rider

Karen Moffatt-McLeod, APSNZ

Doug Moulin, EFIAP/b, FAPS, APSNZ,
Contrasting Lives

Gail Orgias, LPSNZ
Waiting for the Bride

Gail Orgias, LPSNZ
Early Morning Commuter


Marilyn Rendle
Alleyway Amble

Safely Parked This Side of the Wall

Shoan Rickman
Gent on Queen St.

Richard Roos
Cool Has No Age Limit

Richard Roos
Six Stages of Surprise

Antonia Sims
The Street Performer

David Skinner, LPSNZ
Just the Two of Us

Pauline Smith, APSNZ
Waiting at the Church Gates

Aaron Solomon
After Mission

Anne Tate, APSNZ
Lantern Alley

Phil Thornton
Tourist Trade

Phil Thornton
A Walk in the Rain

Stuart Tooley, LRPS
Central London Vehicle Drama

Generation Z

Ilan Wittenberg, FNZIPP, FPSNZ
Man and Donkey