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2012 digital Urban Environment: Gold Medal
Peter Arnold
Oxford Street

2012 digital Urban Environment: Silver Medal
Sushrutha Metikurke, LPSNZ
News at a Cafe

2012 digital Urban Environment: Bronze Medal
Peter Arnold
City Sihouettes

2012 digital Urban Environment: Honours
Raewyne Cathie, LPSNZ
As We Do!

Brian Eastwood
Time Out

Clinton Schubert
I Like It

lynn clayton, Hon.PSNZ,APSNZ, EFIAP, ESFIAP
Father & Son Chat

2012 digital Urban Environment: Highly Commended
Peter Arnold
Two Worlds

Theresa Byrne

Peter Graney

Gail Stent, FPSNZ
End of a Summer Day

2012 digital Urban Environment: Acceptance
Geoffrey Beals, APSNZ
Urban Decay

Geoffrey Beals, APSNZ
Shattered and Destroyed

Michael Boyd-Clark, APSNZ
Gym Life

Wendy Brandon
High Street

Kimber Brown
Lady of the Night

Bruce Burgess, FPSNZ
Garden World

Bruce Burgess, FPSNZ
Under the Eiffel

Bruce Burgess, FPSNZ
Urban Pollution

Raewyne Cathie, LPSNZ
Artful Study

Hugh Davies, LPSNZ
Urban Athletes

Hugh Davies, LPSNZ
Apartment Silhouette

Hugh Davies, LPSNZ
Urban Maze

Brian Eastwood
Cooling Off City Style

Peter Graney

Newell Grenfell, HonPSNZ, FPSNZ, FNPSNZ
Urban Zebra

Liz Hardley, FPSNZ, LRPS, EFIAP/b
The Window Cleaner

Susie Hare, LPSNZ
Leave Your Car for Five Minutes...!
Sandrina Huish, LPSNZ
Once The Crown Plaza

Margaret Irving, APSNZ
Life at the Top

John Jones-Parry, LPSNZ
Useful Street Bench

Sushrutha Metikurke, LPSNZ
Skate Bowl

Peti Morgan, LPSNZ
The Longest Short Cut

Jean Moulin, EFIAP APSNZ
Main Street Orepuki

Jean Moulin, EFIAP APSNZ
Window View

Jean Moulin, EFIAP APSNZ

Heather O'Brien, LPSNZ
Glimpse of K Road

Jenny O'Connor, APSNZ
Union Square NYC #2

Lawrence O'Donoghue
Cesky Krumlov

Liz Poore
Street Scene

Clinton Schubert
Radio Active

Bob Scott, LPSNZ
Stylised Urban Jungle

Bob Scott, LPSNZ
Alone in the Big City

Jennifer Simone, LPSNZ
Fountain Play

Noline Skeet
In the Park

Iain Smart
Lightspeed in a Tuktuk

Gail Stent, FPSNZ
Small Town Life in Africa

Gail Stent, FPSNZ
Head's Up

Bob Wharton
A Shop Too Far

Bob Wharton
Salisbury Cathedral-Homeward Bound Together

Bob Wharton
The Long Distance Cleaner

Ilan Wittenberg, FNZIPP, FPSNZ
The Town Square

Ilan Wittenberg, FNZIPP, FPSNZ

Ilan Wittenberg, FNZIPP, FPSNZ
The Courtyard

Shelley Wood, LPSNZ
Which Way

lynn clayton, Hon.PSNZ,APSNZ, EFIAP, ESFIAP
City Life