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2015 print People: Gold Medal
Carolyn Kirk
Innocent Child

2015 print People: Silver Medal
Ilan Wittenberg, FNZIPP, FPSNZ
Coffee With a Smile

2015 print People: Bronze Medal
Trish Peddle

2015 print People: Honours
Sarah Alloway

Judy Stokes, APSNZ
Shell Seekers

2015 print People: Highly Commended
John Botton, FPSNZ
Nude #2

Sandrina Huish, LPSNZ
Bruce of Brunswick

2015 print People: Acceptance
Moira Blincoe, LPSNZ
The Pout

Michael Boyd-Clark, APSNZ

Michael Boyd-Clark, APSNZ
Last Rays

Karin Charteris, AFIAP: APSNZ
Do You Think They Will Miss Us

Karin Charteris, AFIAP: APSNZ
The Blessing

Sandrina Huish, LPSNZ
Tram 16

John Jones-Parry, LPSNZ
Pride & Dignity

John Jones-Parry, LPSNZ
Young Mother

John Jones-Parry, LPSNZ
Musician Resting

Carolyn Kirk
Orphan From Kenya

Chris Lousich

Jennifer Simone, LPSNZ

Judy Stokes, APSNZ
Pacific Nomads

James Winch, APSNZ
The Book Reader

Ilan Wittenberg, FNZIPP, FPSNZ
Essential Oils