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2011 print Aged: Gold Medal
Beverley Short
Ars Longa Vita Brevis (Art Is Long, Life Short.)

2011 print Aged: Silver Medal
Alistair Morrow

2011 print Aged: Bronze Medal
Phil Thornton
Shutters and Doors

2011 print Aged: Honours
David Collier

Malcolm McNeill
The Tree

2011 print Aged: Highly Commended
Jean Moulin, EFIAP APSNZ
Window Design

Beverley Short

2011 print Aged: Acceptance
Emily Ansell

Sandy Campbell
150 Year Old Curves

Pat Cockfield, APSNZ
Old but Proud

Liz Hardley, FPSNZ, LRPS, EFIAP/b

Liz Hardley, FPSNZ, LRPS, EFIAP/b
Old Goat

Liz Hardley, FPSNZ, LRPS, EFIAP/b
Skull Dune

Libby Hitchings, APSNZ
Life Is Hard

Shona Jaray, APSNZ

Shona Jaray, APSNZ

Alistair Morrow
The Marlboro Man

Don Pittham, FPSNZ, ANPSNZ
The Lord of the Forest

Zdiana Pittham
Moulded Over the Millenia

Martin Sanders, LPSNZ
Age Before Beauty

Martin Sanders, LPSNZ
Early Composition

Robin Short, APSNZ
Motor Rest Home

Robin Short, APSNZ
Mystery Adventure

Robin Short, APSNZ
Textured With Age

Anne Thornton
Raddled Saddles

Anne Thornton
Tuscan Retreat

Phil Thornton
Taking the Sunshine

Phil Thornton
Open to View

Fred Wotton, APSNZ
Miao Elder

lynn clayton, Hon.PSNZ,APSNZ, EFIAP, ESFIAP
Old Smoker