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2016 print 'scapes: Gold Medal
Michael Boyd-Clark, APSNZ

2016 print 'scapes: Silver Medal
Ilan Wittenberg, FNZIPP, FPSNZ

2016 print 'scapes: Bronze Medal
Roger Wandless, GMNZIPP
Symmetry in Yellow

2016 print 'scapes: Honours
Monument Light Show

Roger Wandless, GMNZIPP
Last Light Dunes

Daniel Wong, APSNZ, EFIAP
Hooker Lake

2016 print 'scapes: Highly Commended
John Botton, FPSNZ
Spitzkoppe #1

Irene Callaghan, APSNZ
Lindis Pass

Stuart Clook
Winters Willow

Neil Gordon, APSNZ
Maniototo Farm

Neil Gordon, APSNZ
Marlborough Sounds

Daniel Wong, APSNZ, EFIAP
Cape Palliser

Daniel Wong, APSNZ, EFIAP
Motukiekie Beach

Cheng-Wang Yu
Wanaka Tree

2016 print 'scapes: Acceptance
Adèle Ashton, APSNZ, LRPS
Fire Escape

Robert Beckett, LPSNZ
Dusky Sound, Fiordland, New Zealand

John Botton, FPSNZ
Arid #2

Stuart Clook
Upper Clarence River Valley

Jay Drew, APSNZ
The Bare Trees

Jay Drew, APSNZ
Rural Layers

Neil Gordon, APSNZ
Coast to Coast

Rob Gordon, LPSNZ

Sandrina Huish, LPSNZ
Mont Albion

Sandrina Huish, LPSNZ
Low Tide

Sandrina Huish, LPSNZ

Meg Lipscombe, FPSNZ

Doug Moulin, EFIAP/b, FAPS, APSNZ,
Cannibal Beach Rock

Doug Moulin, EFIAP/b, FAPS, APSNZ,
Nugget Point

Bob Scott, LPSNZ
Palliser Bay

Robin Short, APSNZ
West Coast Shack

Judy Stokes, APSNZ
Wave Scape

Roger Wandless, GMNZIPP
Light Below

Daniel Wong, APSNZ, EFIAP
Wharariki Beach

leo kwon
Morning Calm