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2021 print Open: Gold Medal
Ilan Wittenberg, FNZIPP, FPSNZ
Who Is the Boss?

2021 print Open: Silver Medal
Deborah Martin, LPSNZ
After 12,000 Km

2021 print Open: Bronze Medal
sungtaek park

2021 print Open: Honours
Sarah Caldwell, APSNZ

David Collier
Tree Stump

Deborah Martin, LPSNZ

Deborah Martin, LPSNZ

Kathy Servian

Ilan Wittenberg, FNZIPP, FPSNZ
Rebecca and John

2021 print Open: Highly Commended
Michael Boyd-Clark, APSNZ
Kaimanawa Stallions

Jo Curtis, APSNZ
Up and Down

Lynn Hedges, LPSNZ
Eclectic Treasures

Deborah Martin, LPSNZ
Tui Waiata

John Miles, LRPS
Morning Sweeping

Vivienne Rowell
Oyster Catcher Family

Ilan Wittenberg, FNZIPP, FPSNZ

2021 print Open: Acceptance
Anna Arrol
Kokako courtship gift

Robert Beckett, LPSNZ
Aren't We a Right Pair?

Moira Blincoe, LPSNZ
Gills of the Toadstool

Janice Chen, APSNZ
Stirling Falls

Grace Choi
Still Life

Consider the Lilies

Paul Donegan

Brian Eastwood
Bird in Motion

Brian Eastwood

Shona Jaray, APSNZ
Arum Lillies

Caroline Ludford, LPSNZ, LRPS
Emberra Village Child at Play

Caroline Ludford, LPSNZ, LRPS
Shades of Purple

Dean Robieson

Kathy Servian
All Guns Blazing

Kathy Servian
The Dark Queen

Kathy Servian
Down the Rabbit Hole

Sue Smith, APSNZ
Te Aho a Maui

Anne Thornton
Royal Spoonbill

Roger Wandless, GMNZIPP
Break in the Storm

Roger Wandless, GMNZIPP
Spring Flowers and Sutherland Falls

Roger Wandless, GMNZIPP
Upper Tasman Valley

Ilan Wittenberg, FNZIPP, FPSNZ
The Look

leo kwon
In the Blink of an Eye